Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Genealogists vs. the Rank and File

I currently work as a web developer at Since working there, I have noticed an interesting dynamic: some people are very dedicated and intense about genealogy while others are casual and untrained. FamilySearch struggles to please dedicated genealogists without intimidating or confusing people new to family history research. Imagine being such a newcomer and inputting some data about your family tree. Later, you discover that somebody else had edited a lot of your work, adding many more names, dates, and sources (this is possible because FamilySearch uses an "open edit" model where anyone can make changes). You might feel hurt or intimidated and would certainly feel less confident about continuing to do the work. I do not know the solution to this problem, but I think awareness is part of the answer. Hopefully with awareness, more people will get involved without getting scared away.

1 comment:

  1. Awareness helps. Something else that helps is knowing the people who are editing what you submitted. It's easier to feel like family search is a cooperative and friendly environment where your contribution is appreciated if you've met the other people working on the same tree.
